Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A geas completed.

Tonight I shall tell you about a quest. A quest I undertook and completed. A Beerquest. (Regular blogging will commence when I stop freaking out about school, finding a job and life in general).

I can't really get behind people obsessing over acquiring "rare" or highly rated beers. Rarity and quality are not equivalent and most of the reviews I read on Beer Advocate have been mathematically proven to be suspect. But around last January I'd been hearing good things about Oskar Blues' Old Chub from multiple trusted sources and wanted to try some. So I looked for it at my favorite local beer dispensaries. No dice. I couldn't find it at Plum Market or Whole Foods in A2 either. Fine. Oskar Blues doesn't distribute to MI. Nor does it distribute to Ohio. So my search at Jungle Jim's and the drive-thru beer store turned up empty. (Though I did get some nice beers at both of those venues, including the Lake Erie Monster.) Despair.

Cut to last August, when I realized I would be traveling to theAmerican craft beer motherland for the Fall ACS meeting. In the words of my 7th grade science teacher, "Boo-yah!" My first evening in the state I walked from my seedy motel to an adorable cafe, had myself some Fat Tire and shrimp tacos then walked across the street to the liquor store and loaded up on some Colorado brews that are unobtainable in the fair state of Michigan.
Oh yes. I did get me some'o that.

And some Modus Hoperandi

Oh yes, cans. Beautiful cans of Old Chub, Modus Hoperandi and Silverback Pale Ale (and a bomber of Yeti Belgian Imperial Stout). All of these beautiful beers survived the trip back to the Wolverine State in my checked luggage. I shall blog about them soon.
+500 XP.

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